Kaitlyn Walthall

Graduate Assistant for Green Dot

Headshot of Kaitlyn Walthall

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Kaitlyn Walthall

Graduate Assistant for Green Dot

Kaitlyn is OCRC's Graduate Assistant for Green Dot. She oversees program planning, scheduling training and events, and she assists with campus outreach to ensure culture change on campus.
Kaitlyn is currently in her first year as a graduate student in the School Counseling program. She graduated from University of Northern Iowa with a degree in Family Services and loved UNI so much, she decided to stay for her masters. Kaitlyn's career goals are to work with children and teens as a school counselor somewhere in the Midwest. Kaitlyn first found out about Green Dot in her undergraduate career, but didn't take the initiative to learn more about it until she became the Green Dot Graduate Assistant. In her free time, Kaitlyn enjoys reading, watching tv shows, and going on walks when the weather is nice. She's excited to spread Green Dots around campus, and grow within this position.