Green Dot

What is Green Dot? 

Green Dot is an NISG-sponsored bystander intervention program focused on gender violence prevention. The goal of Green Dot is to decrease the likelihood of sexual assault, stalking, and dating and domestic abuse.

This program uses a metaphor of Green Dots (an action or choice that promotes safety and an intolerance for violence) and Red Dots (an act of power-based interpersonal violence), with the ultimate goal being that Green Dots will out number Red Dots on our campus, while keeping everyone who lives, works and learns at our university safe.

Green Dot Logo






Contact us:
Phone: 319-273-2846
Location: 117 Gilchrist

Green Dot paw print

September is Green Dot Month!

Throughout the month of September, Green Dot is hosting a series of events - everyone is welcome to participate. The more people across campus who engage with Green Dot, the more effectively we can change the campus culture and norms. Our work is built on the idea that no one has to do everything, everyone has to do something. 

Green Dot Strategy

Imagine in your head an image of small red dots spreading across a map, symbolizing the spread of a traumatic epidemic; each small red dot representing an individual case.

At an alarming rate, what starts as four or five small red dots, quickly spreads and becomes hundreds and hundreds of red dots. So many that the whole map is red. 


Now imagine adding a green dot in the middle of the map that is filled with red dots. A green dot is any behavior, choice, or attitude that promotes safety for everybody. A green dot could look like taking a friend out of a high-risk situation, talking about the Green Dot program and why it matters, bringing dangerous situations to individuals who can help, or calling someone out on their inappropriate behavior or words.

A green dot is your individual choice to make our campus and community safer. 

Now picture a map of UNI with similar red dots. Each red dot on this map represents an act of power-based interpersonal violence (sexual assaults, harassment, discrimination, stalking, partner violence) or a choice to allow this violence.

A red dot is a individual choice to do nothing in a dangerous or potentially dangerous situation. 


The goal is to add more and more green dots, so that the map is covered in more green dots than red dots.

We are in control of what this map looks like.

We decided to make a difference. 

Green Dot FAQs