What to Expect

After a report is submitted, OCRC will review the report and will reach out to the reporter, Complainant and other appropriate parties to discuss next steps and to provide information on resources and supportive measures.

The Complainant can choose how and when to respond to OCRC, but it is valuable to connect to receive all relevant information to make a decision that best fits the needs of the Complainant.

Meeting with OCRC does not mean that any additional action will be taken, but there are multiple options available and the Complainant should be aware of all of those options.

Step 1:

OCRC sends an outreach email to the complainant.

OCRC meets with the complainant at their discretion to discuss the reported incident and desired next steps.

Step 2:
Supportive Measures

Supportive measures will be offered to the complainant, at no cost. Supportive measures are reasonable actions to help ensure the complainant can continue at UNI.

Step 3:
Resolution Options

Resolution options range from not pursuing resolution of any kind, informal meetings, educating and discussing concerns with the respondent, to pursuing something through the formal complaint process.